January Lynn Henry: A Journey of Resilience,
Creativity, and Professional Excellence

By Guillaume Jean Lefebvre

anuary Lynn Henry's story is a tapestry of resilience, creativity, and professional excellence. Born in Rock Island, Illinois, January spent her childhood in various places, but her most memorable experiences were in Choteau, a small town in Montana. Entering foster care was a defining moment, shaping her determination and ability to overcome obstacles from a young age.

January's passions for gardening, cooking, and sewing developed alongside her mother, nurturing her creativity. As an adult, she fully explored her love for fashion, finding fulfillment in experimenting with pieces she had long admired. These interests continue to play a key role in her personal and professional life.

January began her career working at Chuck E. Cheese and as a waitress, where she developed communication skills through interactions with a variety of people. She then pursued studies at Moorpark College, earning degrees in Business Administration and Social and Behavioral Sciences. Currently, she is pursuing an MBAJ at Pepperdine University.

Professionally, January made her mark through her involvement in an ambassador program and by managing multi-million-dollar accounts despite initial inexperience. Her perseverance and continuous learning were crucial to her success.

January approaches her work with optimism and determination, firmly believing in the importance of a positive attitude. Among her notable achievements is her successful transition into the IT field, all while balancing her studies and the adoption process of a child.

To maintain a balance between professional and personal life, January sets clear priorities and practices effective time management. Her hobbies, such as gardening and sewing, help her relax and recharge.

Looking ahead, January aims to develop her modeling and acting career while completing her studies at Pepperdine. She aspires to be perceived as a person of integrity and compassion, guided by empathy and support, seeking to make a positive difference in others' lives.

January Lynn Henry's journey is a testament to the power of resilience, the importance of creative expression, and the pursuit of professional excellence. Her story continues to inspire and motivate those who encounter it.


1. You mentioned that entering foster care was a defining moment in your life. Can you describe how this experience influenced your values and worldview?

Entering foster care was indeed a defining moment in my life. This experience profoundly shaped my values and worldview in several ways. Firstly, it instilled in me a deep sense of resilience. Facing and overcoming the challenges of foster care taught me that adversity can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth and strength.

Additionally, foster care broadened my perspective on the importance of community and support networks. I learned to value the connections and relationships that provide emotional and practical support, understanding that no one succeeds alone. This has made me more empathetic and driven to support and uplift others in my personal and professional life.

Moreover, the experience highlighted the significance of stability and security, fostering a strong appreciation for the opportunities and resources I have now. It has fueled my determination to create a positive and supportive environment for those around me, both at work and in my personal life.

Foster care instilled in me a profound sense of gratitude, resilience, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of others. It shaped my belief in the power of perseverance and the importance of community, which continue to guide me in all aspects of my life.

2. How did growing up in a small town like Choteau shape your personality and professional ambitions?

Growing up in Choteau significantly influenced my personality and professional ambitions. The small-town environment fostered a deep sense of community and belonging, teaching me the importance of building strong, supportive relationships. This close-knit atmosphere nurtured my empathy and collaborative spirit, traits I carry into my professional life.

In Choteau, resources and opportunities were limited, which taught me to be resourceful and tenacious in pursuing my goals. This experience instilled a robust work ethic and a determination to succeed, driving my ambition to excel in more competitive settings. The familiarity and connections I had in Choteau inspired me to create inclusive and positive environments wherever I go. It also sparked my desire to explore diverse experiences and broaden my horizons beyond my small-town upbringing. Choteau shaped my values of community, hard work, and resilience, which continue to guide my personal and professional journey.

Model: January Lynn Henry - @Industry Direct Models & Talent
Photographer: Alien Photo - Arman
Model: Hair, MUA, Wordrobe - January Henry - @Industry Direct Models & Talent

3.You developed passions for gardening, cooking, and sewing with your mother. How did these activities influence your approach to creativity and problem-solving in your professional career?

Gardening, cooking, and sewing with my mother were not just hobbies; they were formative experiences that significantly influenced my approach to creativity and problem-solving in my professional career. Each activity required patience, attention to detail, and the ability to think ahead—skills that have become invaluable in my work.

Gardening taught me the importance of nurturing growth and being patient with the process, understanding that great results come from consistent care and effort. This perspective helps me in long-term projects where perseverance and careful planning are crucial.

Cooking fostered my creativity and adaptability. Working with various ingredients and recipes taught me to experiment, innovate, and adjust plans on the fly, which translates well to developing creative solutions and adapting to changes in a professional setting.

Sewing instilled a meticulous attention to detail and an appreciation for craftsmanship. The precision and focus required in sewing have made me more detail-oriented and quality-conscious in my work, ensuring that I approach tasks with care and dedication.

These activities have shaped my approach to creativity and problem-solving by instilling patience, adaptability, and a commitment to quality, all of which are essential in achieving professional success.

4. Your successful transition into the IT field without prior experience is impressive. What specific challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?

Transitioning into the IT field without prior experience was indeed challenging, but it was also an incredibly rewarding journey. One of the primary challenges I faced was the steep learning curve. Without a background in technology, I had to quickly familiarize myself with new concepts, terminology, and technical skills. To overcome this, I committed to continuous learning, taking online courses, attending workshops, and seeking mentorship from experienced colleagues. This proactive approach helped me build a solid foundation in IT.

Another significant challenge was gaining credibility and trust within the team. As someone new to the field, I needed to prove my competence and reliability. I tackled this by consistently demonstrating my dedication, work ethic, and willingness to go the extra mile. I took on complex projects, volunteered for additional responsibilities, and made sure to deliver high-quality work. Over time, my results spoke for themselves, and I earned the respect and trust of my peers and supervisors.

5. As a participant in an ambassador program to improve company culture, what concrete changes did you observe as a result of your contributions?

I observed several concrete changes. We fostered a stronger sense of community and collaboration by organizing team-building activities and promoting open communication. Employee engagement and morale improved through feedback mechanisms and recognition of achievements, leading to higher job satisfaction. We enhanced the onboarding process by introducing mentorship programs and comprehensive orientation sessions, which improved retention rates and accelerated new hire productivity. Our diversity and inclusion initiatives resulted in a more diverse workforce and a greater sense of belonging among employees. Our efforts led to a more positive, engaged, and inclusive company culture, significantly benefiting employee satisfaction and organizational performance.

9. What essential lessons did you learn from your early jobs at Chuck E. Cheese and as a waitress that continue to serve you today in your more advanced roles?

Working at Chuck E. Cheese and as a waitress taught me several essential lessons that continue to serve me in my more advanced roles today. Firstly, these jobs instilled a strong work ethic and the importance of reliability and responsibility. I learned the value of showing up on time, being dependable, and completing tasks efficiently.

Secondly, these roles emphasized the significance of excellent customer service. Interacting with a diverse range of people taught me how to communicate effectively, listen actively, and address customer needs with patience and empathy. These skills are crucial in any professional setting where building positive relationships is key.

Additionally, working in fast-paced environments taught me how to handle stress and multitask. Balancing multiple responsibilities and staying calm under pressure prepared me for managing complex projects and deadlines in my current roles.

These experiences highlighted the importance of teamwork and collaboration. Working closely with colleagues to provide a seamless customer experience taught me the value of cooperation and supporting one another, which is essential for success in any team-oriented environment.

10. You have navigated demanding personal and professional experiences while adopting a child. How has this experience enriched your perspective on life and influenced the way you work and engage with others?

Adopting a child has deepened my empathy and resilience. It has taught me to prioritize what truly matters, manage my time more effectively, and approach challenges with a positive mindset. This experience has also strengthened my ability to connect with others, fostering a more compassionate and understanding approach in both my personal interactions and professional collaborations.

11. If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

To trust the journey and believe in your own resilience. Embrace the challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth, and remember that every experience, no matter how difficult, contributes to your strength and character. Stay true to yourself, follow your passions, and never underestimate your ability to overcome obstacles and achieve your dreams.


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