Bridging the Gap Between Healing and the Fifth Dimension with
Kimberly Meredith
By Guillaume Jean Lefebvre

Kimberly Meredith is a world-renowned celebrity medical intuitive, mediumship healer, media personality, global influencer, leading spiritual speaker, and bestselling author of "Awakening to the Fifth Dimension: Discovering the Soul’s Path to Healing."
Kimberly has assisted thousands of people from around the world in recovering from various significant illnesses and emotional conditions. Additionally, she connects with those who have crossed over to convey messages to the living.
Her miraculous gifts of healing and mediumship were bestowed upon her by the Holy Spirit following two Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), after which she returned with a mission to bring healing to the world.
Kimberly’s abilities have been scientifically validated by several research institutes, including the PSYtek Subtle Energy Laboratory, Dr. Norm Shealy (neurosurgeon and founder of the Shealy Sorin Wellness Institute), and the renowned IONS Institute of Noetic Sciences, led by Dr. Dean Radin and founded by Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell.
Published by St. Martin’s Press (Macmillan) and Hay House UK, Kimberly's bestselling book, "Awakening to the Fifth Dimension: Discovering the Soul’s Path to Healing," has a personally narrated audiobook edition published by Penguin Random House. The foreword is written by neurosurgeon C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD, a leading founder of holistic medicine.
Aside from hosting the syndicated radio hit, "The Medical Intuitive Miracle Show," ranked #1 on BlogTalkRadio and streaming on iHeartRadio, Kimberly is a frequent guest on numerous nationally syndicated radio shows and podcasts. She has made popular recurring appearances on "Coast to Coast AM with George Noory," the number-one rated overnight radio show. Additionally, she has been featured on various TV shows, including KATU ABC TV – Portland, Oregon; "Wake Up With Marci" – WLNY CBS TV; "The Donna Drake Show" – Syndicated; "Carlos & Lisa Show" – BEONDTV; GAIA TV; "The Aware Show"; "Melissa Billie Clark Show"; "New Realities with Alan Steinfeld," and more.
Kimberly has graced the covers and pages of numerous major publications, such as Harper’s Bazaar Vietnam, Women Fitness, Preferred Health Magazine, Awareness Magazine, The Life Connection Magazine, Thrive Global, LA Yoga Magazine, The New York Daily News, The Edge Magazine, The Eden Magazine, and Medium.
A unique healer, Kimberly Meredith bridges the gap between God and science.
You can visit her website at: https:://
Instagram: @Meredith.Kimberly
Facebook Public Figure Page: @kimberlymeredith11
Twitter: @HealingTrilogy
YouTube: Kimberly Meredith Channels the Holy Spirit
TikTok: @kimberlymeredith11
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1. Can you tell us about your childhood and where you were born and raised? How did your early experiences shape your path?
I was born in Lynwood, California to an Italian mother and a German father. We moved to Hollywood when I was seven years old. I had a difficult childhood, and my early experiences motivated me to persevere and become who I am today.
I have believed in God as long as I can remember. I was very close to my paternal German grandmother Bernice. She gave me the nickname “Chon” at birth, a girl’s name of Korean origin meaning “Heaven”. By the age of five, I was already exhibiting many psychic and healing abilities. My grandmother Bernice recognized, accepted and encouraged my spiritual gifts. In contrast, my mother, who struggled with alcohol and drugs, consistently did not accept my gifts. Unfortunately, her life was taken early.
When I was a child, I sometimes blinked in rapid patterns, and I didn’t know what the blinking meant. My grandmother would encourage my blinking, and I knew it was good. My mother disliked the blinking and would slap me across the face, demanding I stop. At the age of seven, I remember sitting on my bed willing myself to stop blinking my eyes. I was very sad when I got my wish. After my Near Death Experiences later in life, this fluttering of my eyelids returned. This was when my mediumship awakened. This special gift enables me to communicate with the Holy Spirit, angels and my spirit guides.
2. What were your first jobs or early professional experiences?
My journey to becoming a celebrity medical intuitive medium was unique. Most medical intuitive mediums have never had any medical training. In my early teens in Southern California, I started out as a volunteer at a local hospital. I loved helping out and working in a healing environment. I entered nursing school and got my license as a certified nurse assistant. I took continuing education courses to become a registered nurse. I worked very long hours on many trauma unit floors. The beautiful actress Elizabeth Taylor died in my arms, as I was working on the night that she passed away.
A surprising development occurred when I became involved in the entertainment world. While still working at the hospital, I eventually became known in Hollywood as the go-to expert for on-call nursing and as an on-camera actress and medical adviser. I must have advised over forty films, television shows and commercials. I was featured in Emmy magazine for my work on TV shows such as Strong Medicine, Brothers & Sisters, All My Children, Scrubs, General Hospital and The Young and the Restless. I worked on several seasons of Grey’s Anatomy, as well as movies like My Sister’s Keeper and HBO’s Getting On.
Kimberly Meredith @meredith.kimberly
Photographer: Arezoo Jalali - @arezoojalali_photography
Stylist: Sky JT Naval -
Makeup artist: Ruth Medrano

3. You have an incredible journey as a medical intuitive mediumship healer. Could you share more about the pivotal moments in your life, such as your Near-Death Experiences, that led to your extraordinary gifts?
I experienced the first of two Near-Death Experiences in 2012. I was seriously injured when hit by a passing car while on foot. By the time I finally got to the hospital on Christmas Eve, my organs were shutting down. As the medical staff was working on me, I left my body. I entered a tunnel of white light where I was surrounded by many faces and fragrant purple roses. Purple roses are very rare, and my mother only had purple roses in her garden. I feel my mother was coming through my Near-Death Experience and was trying to save my life. I also felt the strong presence and connection with my ancestors, including my shaman great-grandmother in Italy, Josephina. I felt the energy of our Creator around me, holding me. I heard soft whispers saying to me, “You're okay. Everything is okay.” I had been lifted by the Holy Spirit. A great ball of light pressed on my chest with tremendous energy and the blinding light shined through my eyes. I heard a whisper in my ear: “You are chosen to heal diseases.” God had brought me back, and now I was tasked with accepting the light and awakening to my gifts. My second Near-Death Experience happened several weeks later, after I returned home from the hospital, weighing only 94 pounds and in a wheelchair.
4. You've touched the lives of thousands of people around the world with your healing abilities. Can you describe a particularly memorable or transformative healing experience that stands out to you?
Women often come to me concerned about lumps in their breasts. Sally, in her sixties, had something called a one centimeter invasive lobular carcinoma. She didn’t tell me of her diagnosis when she came into my office. She already had gone to her doctor and he had given her a prognosis. As I proceeded to do a medical intuitive scan, I was guided to wave my hand straight to her right breast. When she felt the energy of Mother Mary and the Holy Spirit going through her, she cried and felt a beautiful release. I spiritually helped to move her into understanding that she needed to allow Western medicine to help her by proceeding with a lumpectomy. I was successful in shrinking down the mass in the Fifth Dimension. After she had her procedure done, two weeks later she wrote to me saying that even the doctors were amazed with her pathology results. She was cancer free.
5. As someone who communicates with those who have crossed over, can you shed light on how this process works and how it brings comfort and closure to people who have lost loved ones?
I love my spirit guides and ask for help with everything and anything in gratitude, and they rejoice in service back daily. I'm a psychic trance medium, and that means I'm always channeling. I am able to naturally connect with the Other Side. I was born with my gifts, so it might be easier for me because it never turns off.
Developing a relationship with our spirit guides and angels is extremely important, especially in the next ten years, because the awakening "Shift" is taking place. I love using my guides all the time and teaching my clients and students how to learn the tools and techniques, so they can start to see how things are working in their lives instead of getting stuck. The Other Side loves to help us and is here to assist us and make our lives easier. Our loved ones never really leave us. This is truly an exciting time.

6. Your talents have been scientifically validated by prestigious research institutions. Could you explain how these validations have helped bridge the gap between spirituality and science in your work?
I am grateful to have been scientifically validated by numerous research institutes. These were all double-blind studies. I was tested on over eighteen individuals who served as patient test subjects. As the patients received my medical intuitive readings and healings, my guides found cancer, tumors, torn knee injuries, enlarged lymph nodes, and more. I was 100% correct on every individual. The research institutes included Dr. Gaetan Chevalier, Ph.D., at the PSY-TEK Subtle Energy Laboratory; Dr. C. Norm Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., neurosurgeon, founder of the Shealy Sorin Wellness Institute and the founding President of the American Medical Holistic Medical Association; and the famed IONS Institute of Noetic Sciences, headed by Dr. Dean Radin and founded by Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell. Dr. Shealy measured my healing energy traveling even through solid walls.
7. Your bestselling book, "Awakening to the Fifth Dimension: Discovering the Soul’s Path to Healing," has received widespread acclaim. What inspired you to write this book, and what message do you hope readers take away from it?
Following my two Near-Death Experiences, as I was witnessing more and more mediumship healing miracles in the Fifth Dimension, I was inspired to channel a book into an audio recorder from my wheelchair. I was discovered by publishing companies at numerous expos, and my book Awakening to the Fifth Dimension: Discovering the Soul's Path to Healing was published by St. Martin’s Press and Hay House UK, with my personally narrated audio book published by Penguin Random House.
My book has enabled me to share my healing gifts for the first time with a much wider audience, giving readers the tools to implement this healing in their own lives. Whether you are wrestling with chronic illness, seemingly untreatable symptoms, or other mental, emotional, or physical ailments, the gentle wisdom in my book offers a way forward towards happiness and freedom. Filled with instruction, case studies, testimonials, nutritional advice, and practical methods to raise your consciousness, my book empowers readers to confront their own health struggles and find true, lasting healing.
8. You host "The Medical Intuitive Miracle Show," which has achieved remarkable success. How did this show come to fruition, and what topics do you enjoy discussing with your guests?
The Medical Intuitive Miracle Show has been broadcasting live for over six years. It started locally in Los Angeles, and I am now broadcasting live on Blog Talk Radio, reaching out to a worldwide audience on iHeartRadio, Spotify and many syndication platforms. I’m very proud of my radio show, which has become America’s #1 Medical Intuitive program. During 1-hour live shows Tuesday nights at 7 PM Pacific and 10 PM Eastern, I interview popular authors, celebrity guests and global influencers from the entertainment, spiritual, paranormal and environmental activist domains. I love talking to the guests about their spiritual paths, raising consciousness, the afterlife, near-death experiences, the paranormal, angels, spirit guides, healing modalities, healthy lifestyle choices, and more. I regularly do mediumship readings for the callers and connect them to their loved ones on the Other Side. We also pray for people and take prayer requests, which are super powerful, because the entire listening audience is invited to participate in sending healing energy to people in need. (The call-in number is 515-605-9709 – dial +1 first if calling from outside the U.S.)

9. Your media presence extends to television appearances and interviews on various platforms. What role do these opportunities play in spreading your message of healing and enlightenment?
I love sharing my messages of healing with audiences from around the world. I have been on the ABC and CBS television networks and countless podcasts and radio shows, including five popular appearances on the #1 hit overnight radio show Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, which broadcasts to millions of people. Every year, I appear at the Oscars, Emmys and American Music Awards suites. I am so proud to have helped find forever families for teens by being on the Los Angeles Fox 11 Wednesday’s Child episode. I am passionately dedicated to doing everything I can to relieve suffering and change the world. I am also a deeply committed environmental activist and influencer. The environment and our health are integrally related.
10. You've been featured in numerous major publications. How do you handle the increased visibility and attention that comes with your work as a celebrity healer?
I feel it is vitally important to openly talk about spirituality in high visibility ways. In doing so, we are sharing our authentic selves. I have recently been featured in Harper’s Bazaar Vietnam, in a 5-page photo spread and interview, as well as the covers of Women Fitness, Preferred Health Magazine, MUPO Entertainment and several others. I have many top celebrity clients, such as DeDee Pfeiffer, Patrika Darbo, Linda Gray, Catherine Oxenberg, Chrissy Metz, Jessica Origliasso, Ben Vereen, Eva LaRue, Julie Newmar and Naomi Grossman, to name a few. We are all awakening and reaching out to the world.
I’m truly honored as a celebrity healer to be here at this time in the world to help people connect to their higher consciousness and open their hearts up to the power of healing. I am dedicated to sharing the message that they can experience miracles and live in a world without suffering.
11. In your role as a healer, you've become an influential spiritual speaker. Can you share some of the key messages and teachings you aim to convey to your audience?
All of my events are highly dynamic and interactive, across the U.S. and globally online. I am recognized as one of the top evidential based modern-day mediums in the world. My incredibly accurate, detailed live readings and miraculous healings often bring people to tears, connecting them to their loved ones on the Other Side. One of the most important messages I aim to convey is teaching people how to connect to their own intuitive and healing abilities, opening the door to an entirely new path of life in the Fifth Dimension. At all of my events, I encourage Q&A.
12. How do you balance the spiritual and scientific aspects of your work, and how does this combination offer hope and transformation to those you help?
The spiritual and scientific aspects of my work are balanced because they do not contradict one another. I love working in the medical community, and they love working with me. Western and Eastern philosophy can work together in harmony.
I love working one-on-one with clients. I offer group mentoring coaching on Zoom and in my office, including spiritual counseling, a type of interactive coaching that helps people to open up who usually have a difficult time getting in touch with their emotions. I have a strong passion for my wellness nutrition program, which has helped thousands of people recover from chronic illnesses. People worldwide can easily book an appointment with me here:
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