Marc Anthony Nicolas

From Humble Beginnings to Emmy-Winning Producer

Conducted by Guillaume Jean Lefebvre

1. You are a talented producer; however, for those who are discovering you, how would you like to briefly introduce yourself?

I am Marc Anthony Nicolas, a two-time Emmy Award-winning television producer with a passion for creating engaging content. Over the course of my career, I have had the incredible opportunity to work on popular and beloved talk shows, including "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," "The Tyra Banks Show," "The Kelly Clarkson Show," and "The Talk." Through my work, I have shared compelling stories and facilitated meaningful conversations. I am always eager to explore new ideas and collaborate with talented individuals. I take great pride in my work and strive to leave a positive mark in the world of television.

2. Looking back at your journey in the entertainment industry, what was the most unexpected challenge you encountered, and how did you overcome it?

In my 20’s, I was working as a server at both Olive Garden and BJs restaurants. While I enjoyed my job, my heart was set on being a part of the TV industry. I decided to take a leap of faith and sent my resume to major networks, production companies, and movie projects, hoping to fulfill my dreams. Unfortunately, my lack of experience led to multiple rejections, and I felt defeated and discouraged. There were moments when I even considered giving up on my dream. However, fate had something unexpected in store for me. One day, a co-worker of mine informed me that she would be leaving the restaurant because she accepted a job for a reality show. I saw this as a unique opportunity and asked her to consider me as a production assistant.

Two weeks later, I received a call from her, informing me that the reality show was hiring, and I managed to land a job as a production assistant. I was eager to seize the opportunity. As a production assistant, I performed various tasks, from getting coffee and organizing crew lunches to driving producers to set locations. While these responsibilities might seem trivial to some, I cherished every moment because I knew it was my chance to get my foot in the door. I am grateful for the opportunity that came my way and for the co-worker who believed in me. Being a production assistant may not have been my ultimate goal, but it was the stepping stone I needed to pursue my passion and work my way up in the television industry.

With two prestigious Emmy Awards victories for his work on "The Talk," Marc Anthony Nicolas is undoubtedly one of the brightest creative minds in the entertainment industry. His talent and dedication have also been recognized in the production of renowned shows such as "The Tyra Banks Show" and "Kelly Clarkson Show," solidifying his position among the pillars of the television industry. Discover the man behind the scenes, his inspirations, and his bold vision that continues to captivate audiences and push the boundaries of television excellence.

Explore his journey from humble beginnings to an impressive ascent, reminding us that anything is possible with passion, hard work, and determination.

Portrait Of The Month ( August 2023)


3. You have won two Emmy Awards. Can you tell us more about that? What was your reaction when you received the awards?

I had the honor of receiving two Emmy Awards for Outstanding Talk Shows, specifically for "The Talk" on CBS. It's not just a personal achievement; it's a triumph for every individual who dares to dream. As I stood on that Emmy stage, my mind was filled with powerful flashbacks of my journey from migrating to California with my parents, graduating, and experiencing the challenges and victories that shaped my life. Each milestone contributed to the person I am today, and these Emmy Awards symbolize that journey.

4. As a producer, you have worked across different genres and formats. Is there a particular project that stands out as the most creatively fulfilling for you? If so, what made it so special?

Over the years, I have had the opportunity to be a part of various talk shows, producing a diverse range of segments, from celebrity interviews and musicians to celebrity chefs and game segments. While each project has been fulfilling, I realized that I wanted to utilize my platform to make a positive change in people's lives.

One project that stands out as particularly special to me is when we featured a single mom of two on The Talk. Her story touched my heart deeply. She had spent most of her time caring for children in need, selflessly putting others before herself. We initially told her she would be coming on The Talk to play a game with the hosts on stage, but little did she know we had a surprise in store.

During the segment, we surprised her with a check for $20,000. With this money, she could finally afford to get a new apartment, offering her family a fresh start. Additionally, we wanted to support her dream of starting her own candle business, which we believe has the potential to thrive and make a difference in her life.

It's moments like these that remind me of the true purpose of my work. The ability to make a genuine change in someone's life is a privilege that I do not take for granted."

5. Collaboration is key in the entertainment industry. Can you share a memorable collaboration with an artist or fellow professional that truly elevated a project to new heights?

Over the years, working in this industry has afforded me the opportunity to meet numerous incredible individuals, from celebrities and actors to musicians and publicists. Through these encounters, I have learned the importance of authenticity, genuineness, and being personable. Building genuine connections with people has been the key to creating meaningful experiences and relationships.

In 2014, I embarked on a new chapter in my career by launching my very own talk show called "The On Your Marc Show" on the Lifestyle Network. This show was special for many reasons, and one of its unique aspects was being the first Filipino talk show to interview celebrities. It was an exciting and fresh take on talk shows that allowed viewers to see a different side of their favorite celebrities. With the people I've met in my career, I had the honor of having celebrities like Sharon Osbourne, Vivica A. Fox, Lance Bass, Carnie Wilson, and Christina Millian as guests on my show."

6. Being a successful producer requires a keen eye for talent. Is there a moment when you discovered an up-and-coming artist or talent and realized they had the potential for greatness?

When I met Chef Vallerie Castillo Archer, I knew her story had to be heard on TV. In an industry dominated by male chefs, Chef Val shattered barriers and made history by becoming the first and only female executive chef for Yamashiro restaurant in its impressive 100-year history. Her journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and the ability to achieve greatness through hard work and dedication.

We featured Chef Val on "The Talk" during AAPI month, where we had the honor of sharing her inspiring story of humble beginnings. Since then, Chef Val’s path has continued to lead her to new heights. She is now a part of the Philippines Airlines family, serving as the Assistant Vice President of Catering Operations and Head Chef. It is stories like hers that remind us of the power of human potential and the impact we can have on the world."

7. Throughout your career, you have witnessed the evolution of the industry and its embrace of new technologies. How do you navigate and embrace these changes to ensure your work remains relevant and resonates with audiences?

In this digital age, social media has become a treasure trove of undiscovered stories waiting to be told. Platforms like Twitter Threads, Instagram, and Facebook have provided a space for people from all walks of life to share their experiences, achievements, and aspirations with the world. Through the magic of social media, I have come across everyday heroes who have made a significant impact in their communities and beyond. The ability to connect with these inspiring individuals directly through DMs (Direct Messages) is a game-changer. It allows me to introduce myself, express admiration for their work, and extend an invitation to share their story on a talk show."

8. In an industry known for its unpredictability, what strategies or approaches do you employ to adapt and thrive amidst changing trends and audience preferences?

Throughout my time on the show, I've learned the importance of embracing challenges and being prepared to pivot with a plan B. As a producer on a live show, I understand that unexpected challenges can arise at any moment. Whether it's technical difficulties, last-minute changes, or unforeseen circumstances, we must be ready to adapt quickly. The ability to pivot and think on our feet is crucial in ensuring the smooth execution of each segment. Being prepared is the key to handling these challenges effectively. Before going on air, I make sure to know my segment from top to bottom. Understanding every detail allows me to navigate any situation with confidence and ease.

9. Producing often involves managing and leading teams. Can you share an experience where effective leadership and communication played a crucial role in the success of a project?

As the leader of a dedicated team, we created a holiday show that would leave a lasting impact on our viewers. We knew that this was our moment to shine, and we were determined to hit it out of the ballpark. After brainstorming and collaborating, we came up with the perfect theme - "The Talk Sleighs the Holidays." We wanted to surprise our studio audience, which comprised teachers, single parents, and essential workers.

Our show was filled with heartwarming surprises that brought tears of joy to the eyes of our studio audience. From gifting a resort in Africa to surprising them with arcade machines, amusement park passes, and much more! I am incredibly proud of our team's hard work and commitment to making the holiday show a memorable and heartwarming experience for everyone involved. It was a true demonstration of the power of teamwork and collaboration. Moments like these remind us of the impact we can make in people's lives through our work.

10. As a producer, you have had the opportunity to work with renowned celebrities. Is there a particular interaction or moment with a star that left a lasting impact on you, either personally or professionally?

Working on the Tyra Banks Show was a defining moment in my career. It was my first job in the talk show world, and it opened the doors to a world of opportunities. Tyra’s story serves as a reminder that with determination and hard work, one can overcome any obstacles and make their dreams come true. Seeing Tyra's journey and the impact she made motivated me to pursue my own dreams. Her pursuit of her passions and her willingness to embrace her authenticity have taught me life lessons that I carry with me every day. Her influence has been a guiding light in my career, propelling me forward and encouraging me to be the best version of myself.

11. The entertainment industry can be demanding and fast-paced. How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance and take care of your well-being amidst the demands of your career?

As much as work is important to me and I'm committed to giving my best in my professional endeavors, I have come to realize that my time with family and friends holds even greater significance. Over the years, I experienced the loss of my mom and best friend to cancer, which became a turning point in my life. Their passing taught me the invaluable lesson that life is not just about career achievements, but also about cherishing the moments with the people we love the most. The memories we create with our family and friends are the true essence of our existence, and they hold a timeless value beyond any material success.

Now, with my dad at the age of 75, spending quality time with him has become a top priority in my life. Each moment shared with him is a precious gift, and I want to make the most of it. Our time together allows us to create lasting memories that I will treasure forever.

12. Looking forward, what are your aspirations and goals as a producer? Is there a particular type of project or collaboration you are eager to explore in the future?

I’m eager to get back in front of the camera and interview people, I want to use that platform to share their stories so they can motivate and inspire the world. Moreover, writing a children's book with the theme of "believe," in honor of my mom's favorite word, is a beautiful and heartfelt idea. I would love for my creative pursuits to make a positive impact on others and leave a legacy behind.

13. We conclude our interview with this pivotal question. If you could give a piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

Dear Younger Self, you will experience earthquake moments that will shake your inner peace, leaving you feeling uncertain and vulnerable. There will be instances where you'll face bullying and reprimands, and it might feel like the world is against you. However, remember that these struggles and challenges will mold you into the compassionate person you are destined to become. As you continue to grow and learn, you will come to realize the true essence of self-love. Embrace every part of yourself, including the flaws and imperfections. It is through self-acceptance that you will find strength and the ability to love yourself unconditionally.

Production & Publication: Eclair Magazine - @Eclairmagazine
Model/Producer: Marc Anthony Nicolas - @marcanthonynicolas
Photographer/Videographer: Guillaume Jean Lefebvre - @picby_gjl - @Guy_james_Jl
Videographer/Assistant: John Mangia - @johnmangia
Location: Fairmont Century Plaza Los Angeles - @FairmontCenturyplaza

Photos backstage: Courtesy of Marc Anthony Nicolas.

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