Terms & COnditions
I certify that I am over 18 years old and agree to share my information with Eclair Magazine. I authorize Eclair Magazine to use my photos for publication and promotion (web & print) purposes only without diversion.
I certify that the information communicated is correct and that I am responsible for any forgotten credit or false information transmitted to Eclair Magazine.
I indicate 2 min to 3 different contact emails to allow Eclair Magazine to notify my team and myself of the publication if it is accepted, so as not to miss the information.
(the Free submission is automatically refused if this is not indicate)
I am aware that the submitter's information will not be made public unless explicitly mentioned in the dedicated credit information section.
For the free submisison Low-quality and low-resolution photos are not accepted.
Eclair Magazine reserves the right to delete and ban any submitter who does not respect the exclusivity and confidentiality of the submitted photos, and more especially if it causes harm to the magazine that published the photos, believing them to be confidential and exclusive.
For the free submission, I give my consent for my submission to be transferred and published in our partner SIMODEX magazine Paris if it is not accepted for publication in Eclair Magazine.
The offers subscribed for publication in Eclair Magazine are guaranteed to be published in Eclair Magazine.