Brie Sheridan Returns in Netflix's Virgin River Season 4.
Conducted by Guillaume Jean Lefebvre
Actress: Zibby Allen I Photographer: Kristine Cofsky

Hello Zibby Allen, we are delighted to have you this month in Eclair Magazine.
Although you are in many television projects, can you introduce yourself for those who don't know you?
I’m Zibby Allen (short for my birth-given name, Elizabeth.) I was born and raised in San Francisco, California. I’m an actress, writer, singer/songwriter, and occasional producer for both films and podcasts. I’m obsessed with my husband Adam, my rescue dog, Kona, other people’s stories, personal growth and pretty much anything creative. How’s that for a summarized intro? Ha!
1- You have played in Bates Motel, Grey's Anatomy and you interpret the character of Brie Sheridan in the Netflix series
Virgin River whose season 4 will be released soon.
Can you tell us more about the series and your character?
What do you like more about this series? Why did you want to be a part of the cast?
Virgin River is a feel-good romantic drama. The show takes place in a fictional little town in Northern California called Virgin River and is based on a fantastically addictive romantic novel series, written by author Robyn Carr. The town of Virgin River is populated by a wonderful ensemble of lovable characters ranging in age from young-to-old, all relying on each other, one way or another, to navigate life’s ups and downs. My character, Brie Sheridan, is the baby sister of Jack (the show’s leading man and heartthrob, played by Martin Henderson) Though Jack’s little sis, Brie is a hardworking ballsy lawyer with a strong sense of independence. However, she’s dealing (and sometimes not dealing) with some very painful secrets from her not-so-distant past. Brie comes to Virgin River under the guise of visiting her brother Jack, but ends up staying when she falls for the town’s bad-boy, Brady, giving her a convenient reason to keep avoiding the life she left behind in Sacramento, California.
I love this series because it’s a perfect blend of escapism and down-to-earth relatability. The show is set against a picturesque landscape (we film in beautiful British Columbia and it’s as stunning as it looks on the screen!) I think many of us fantasize about moving to a small idyllic town where the people are good and true and life is simple. Virgin River really embodies that dream… but also, the show doesn’t shy away from the real issues that we all face in life, whether we live in a big city or a quaint little town. I appreciate that we deal with real-life issues earnestly. It keeps the show grounded. But also, the show is insanely romantic!! Mel and Jack have the kind of romance we all want. And my character, Brie and her current lover, Brady have a very steamy chemistry that fans seem pretty obsessed with, which is fun.
In an exclusive interview with the talented actress who portrays Brie Sheridan in the Netflix series Virgin River, we delve into the highly anticipated fourth season set to premiere on July 20. Additionally, she shares insights about her upcoming film "Lies Between Friends," a thrilling masterpiece slated to air on the Lifetime channel starting July 31.

Portrait Of The Month ( July 2022)

Edited by @Eclairmagazine & @Picby_GJL
I’m especially honored to play Brie because she deals with two globally universal issues: sexual assault and miscarriage. Both issues impact people/women, all over the world, every day. Fans from everywhere have reached out since season three aired to share their own stories that mirror Brie’s in one way or another. I’ve been so moved by the bravery and resilience of those who’ve had to endure some version of the same hardships as my character. It’s a profound reminder of how powerful television and storytelling can be, and I’m proud to be able to help carry Brie’s journey of (imperfect) recovery and healing.
2- Can you tell us when the 4th season of Virgin River is coming out? And what does this highly anticipated 4th season
have in store for us?
Season 4 comes out July 20th, 2022! There will definitely be more Brie and Brady (or “Briady,”as the fans have named us) However, in season 4 Brie is going to put on her lawyer hat to get involved with Brady’s case, post his arrest. In doing so, Brie will find herself inadvertently caught up in Calvin’s criminal web, as well as forming a closer relationship with Mike. It’ll be juicy! As for the other wonderful Virgin River characters, there’s still Jack’s question of paternity, a handsome new doctor comes to town who's in the market to start a family of his own, Hope and Doc have to navigate the aftermath of Hope’s car accident… and much more. It may be a small sleepy town on the surface, but stuff is always going down with the good people of VR. I’m excited to share this coming season with everyone.
3 - You will soon play the main role in the next thriller movie "Lies Between Friends" can you tell us more about this movie? What is he talking about? Where will it be broadcast?
“Lies Between Friends” will air on Lifetime in the U.S. on July 31st, 2022. It’s a really fun and scandalous TV movie! I play the role of Claire, who is happily married to the CEO of a multi-million dollar company but who, unbeknownst to Claire, has some dark skeletons in his closet from his college years. Those skeletons come back to haunt Claire’s entire family when her husband's old college buddy asks to cash in on a favor still owed to him. It will be packed with drama, I can tell you that much!

4- You are also a writer and director, you wrote your book "Let's Call The Whole Thing Off" and directed the documentary called "Forever, Love" What was your source of inspiration? What do these two projects have in common?
What is your relationship with love today?
I actually never wrote the book! I only ever had the title for the book picked out, “Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off”, but I never got around to writing it. Funnily, the title was in reference to marriage, which I was adamantly against at the time. But now I’m actually married… so, while I’m still convinced marriage isn’t a great idea for most, I couldn’t very well write a book suggesting none of us should do it, as a married person! Originally, the book idea was born out of a documentary I’d made called “Forever, Love.” On the heels of a pretty big breakup, which left me with a great deal of guilt, I set out to find answers, or at least some perspective that would corroborate this opposition/resistance I personally felt toward marriage. I interviewed countless people in various stages and forms of relationship about their ideas of “the one” and “forever love.” People who were married, widowed, in polyamorous relationships, relationship experts, brain scientists, my own parents, ex-boyfriends, my therapist, you name it. I gathered so many different stories and perspectives on love, it was such a fascinating endeavor. However, ultimately that project left me feeling more certain than ever that culturally, our ideas of “forever love,” and marriage are nothing more than a set-up for holding one another to impossible standards and fielding the painful disappointment of failed expectations, and lack of ease when life invites us to change and grow!
All that said, five years ago I met the man I’m married to now… Obviously I wasn’t seeking marriage when we met, but our connection and compatibility inspired me to think about it all quite differently. When I began to reframe the idea of marriage as being married to a practice, versus a person, I actually felt compelled to experience it! In the same way I might be interested in the long-term impact of the practice of yoga, pescetarianism, meditation, or acting, etc., I became really interested in what the long term impact of committing to the practice of marriage might have on my overall life. The practice of showing up in love, as love, unconditionally for a chosen human being no matter who they are now compared to who they’ll grow and change into being, is very interesting to me. I think it also gives my husband, Adam, so much freedom to be a fully expressed being throughout the stages of his life, knowing I’m not holding him to staying the same person I married 3 years ago. It also means we’re constantly discovering each other, chapter-after-chapter, without any strongly held designs on how it has to go in order to qualify as a “successful” marriage. It may sound a little less romantic than the ways we’ve all learned to think of marriage… but for me, it keeps me inspired.
5 - Can you tell us some movies or series in which we can see you? Which shoot stands out to you the most and why?
Well, I’ve had the good fortune of working on a wide variety of projects. I love them all for different reasons. I’m particularly proud that my first significant television job was a little recurring role on Grey’s Anatomy. It was over 10 years ago now (and just a tiny role) but Shonda Rhimes always seemed to bring me back for at least a couple of episodes every season, throughout seasons 2 - 8. The show has such a wonderful and robust fan base, that to this day people still seem to get the most excited when they find out I’ve been on Grey’s. I absolutely love it. And I’d LOVE to work with Shonda again. She’s a prolific creator and I’ve always been such a fan of her work. Otherwise, when you ask me which job stands out the most, I must admit that I’m a bit of a monogamist when it comes to my work, so I feel like I can’t single out any show other than Virgin River since that’s what I’m working on now! But I really do love playing Brie. She’s taught me a lot in our two seasons together so far.

6- You are a versatile artist in the arts and also a musician. What does "Socks and Chimes" mean?
Socks and Chimes is a little folk duo I’m one half of, alongside the wonderful Ian Merrigan. We create really whimsical, unpolished tunes that kind of tug at the heartstrings. Ian is a brilliant musician and creative. My own musicianship leaves much to be desired compared to Ian, but my strengths skew toward lyric-writing and harmonizing, so we make a good team. Between our paired strengths and our magical chemistry, we create a really sweet sound that just feels good to make. The name Socks and Chimes just sort of capture the feeling our music evokes; comfy and sweet!
7- At what age did you start playing, singing and composing? And do you have any future projects with you singing?
Though I grew up performing and singing in musical theatre, I never really had any designs on composing music or being in a band at all. I was always very focused on my acting career. It was only in my late twenties after the tragic loss of my older brother - Hunter - whom I was very close with, that I took interest in making music. For nearly a year after Hunter’s death, I was utterly grief-stricken. I couldn’t sleep most nights, and I felt quite lost. I wasn’t ready to seek counseling or talk about it much with anyone... but just before Hunter’s death, a customer at the bar I worked in gifted me one of his spare ukuleles. So during my long stretch of insomnia I started late-night learning how to play my ukulele (thank you Youtube), and began writing simple little songs as a way of expressing what I was feeling. It was highly therapeutic for me. I started to share some of my songs with Ian, who just had this amazing ability to meet me in that vulnerable and expressive place so graciously. And just like that, we started harmonizing, sharing our own songs and writing new ones together. So our album “I Love You Overall” is made up of the music of that time for me; in the throes of grieving my brother, as well as the tenderness and healing that my friendship with Ian has always provided. We have a ton of new songs to record… we just have to find the time to do it! Our hope is that by mid 2023 we’ll have a new album to share. But for us, it’s always about the process and less about the product so we’re in no rush!
8 - If you had one piece of advice to give to the child that you were, what would it be?
Trust your inner authority and never worry if your life, your creative expression, your authentic self looks different than anyone and everyone else's. Your uniqueness is your ticket to fulfillment.
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